Dr. Alejandro Marquez Ruiz
Guest researcher
Personal Experience
Alejandro Marquez was born in Medellín, Colombia. He received the Ph.D. degree in Engineering with an emphasis in Energy Systems of the National University of Colombia-Medellín. The Ph.D. thesis was titled Hierarchical Robust Real-Time Optimization with zone control. He obtained a B.A. in Control Engineering degree from the National University of Colombia in Medellin. During the bachelor studies, he worked in applied POD techniques and MPC for simple thermal systems.
Later on, he started a Master in Chemical Engineering where he developed Model predictive controllers for a tubular reactor using once again POD. In this period he worked for a semester in the University of Sao Paulo together with Prof. Darci Odloak at the LCSP (Laboratory of Control and Process Simulation). After this, he started the Ph.D. studies, where he developed hierarchical MPC control strategies for large-scale systems. This project was partially developed with EU funding under the FP7 in the Project HD-MPC. During the Ph.D. studies, he spent six months as a research intern at RWTH Aachen, together with Prof. Wolfgang Marquardt. Besides that, he has been teaching courses on Multivariable Control, Process Modeling, Mass, and Energy Balances, Process Simulation, and Predictive Control.
In the last years he has been involved in several research projects as such as traffic control and energy management systems at the National University of Colombia, and in the IMPROVISE (Improve Process Operation via Rigorous Simulation Models) project at Eindhoven University of Technology. IMPROVISE was focus on modeling, estimation, and control of reactive batch distillation columns and in partnership with DSM. Currently, he is a University Researcher at Eindhoven University of Technology.