Carlos Eduardo Robles Rodriguez
Post-doc Researcher
I am Carlos Eduardo Robles Rodriguez from Mexico. I obtained my BSc (2009) and MSc (2013) degrees in Chemical Engineering from the University of Guadalajara in Mexico. I did my PhD in France in the Toulouse Biotechnology Institute (INSA 2016) where my dissertation was about modeling and control of fermentation processes. After that, I moved to Belgium to work as a Postdoc at the Catholic University of Louvain (Belgium) where I studied Wind Energy prediction and wastewater treatment management. In 2018, I came to the Netherlands to join the Delft Center of Systems and Control (DCSC) at TU Delft to work as a postdoc in model reduction of biochemical systems. In august 2019, I have joined the Control Systems Group of TU/e to work as a postdoc in dynamic modeling based control for the industrial chemical processes.